I may have been homeschooled but I do actually know how to spell...sometimes. That was intentional. We just finished watching the shocking documentary called To Dye For. It is a stunning documentary that follows a family on their journey to discover the solution for their son's hyperactivity, explosive angry outbursts, inability to concentrate and antagonistic bullying of other children. At first glance, I used my impeccable fatherly wisdom, and swiftly deduced that this was likely a result of poor discipline in the home, and these folks were looking for something, to blame the unchecked behavior of their strong willed son, upon. With this attitude I begrudgingly sat down to watch the documentary with my wife and children. We don't have a television in our home, so we enjoy the rare opportunities to watch a wholesome documentaries.
As I settled in I was surprised by the quality of the filming and editing. Brandon and Whitney Cawood did not cut any corners when they produced this stunning film. the footage is incredible and speaks to Brandon's skills as a filmmaker... at least I would be able to enjoy that part. Whammo! I was immediately hit with facts, research and science...no like real science not Fauci style...and to top it all off the studies and research was being done by Independent researchers. Now I don't know about you, but I pay taxes and some of those tax dollars ( only a portion mind you...they print the rest) are allotted to the FDA for the purpose of keeping us safe. Now this may come as a surprise but they haven't been keeping up on their end of the bargain. Now wait a moment! You may say. I think I remember them banning something to do with artificial food dye chemicals. You would be right my friend. 35 Years ago, a study was conducted on some poor little rats, They were fed artificial food dyes and they became riddled with tumors and died shortly thereafter. Immediately after they totally banned ALL artificial dyes used in cosmetics....but they were/are still OK in food of course. Now rest assured, they have repeatedly promised to revisit the dyeing problem in our children and come up with some directive on Petroleum, Tar or chemically produced food dyes...they have just been a little busy doing Pharma Foods bidding for the last 35 years. Once again we find European countries and even Canada doing more to regulate the food industries insatiable desire for maximum profits with no repercussions. They produce the same brands and food...but now use natural methods of dyeing...Turmeric, carrots etc.
This is starting to get embarrassing...

They document theirs (and others) food dye elimination experiments and the amazing results that they have had just by simply reading the labels and avoiding all food dyes. One interview with DR. Rebecca Bevans ( Who has her own stunning TedTalk) left us wiping tears from our eyes as she spoke of her five year old son asking his Mamma for a knife so he could end his life...And then hearing from the same adult son now speaking of his deep desire to save even one child's life from suicide by educating them of the complete recovery he experienced by cutting out artificial food dye chemicals from his diet. I can't help but wonder how many lives we can save by taking the time to spread the message to our families and neighbors. We all know some child in dire straights and see the results of this death culture we are surrounded with. Lets show them love and hope. This reminds me of a scripture verse in Revelation 18:23 ( Also mentioned in Galatians 5:20) speaking of the influence of Babylon the great... "Your merchants were the great ones of earth and they deceived the nations (world) with their Pharmakeia ( drug sorcery).

Now, as whole food consumers we don't consume very many dyes...or do we? These dyes can be in your children's and grandchildren's toothpaste, Some evidence suggests that they can be absorbed via your body's largest organ (your skin) just by playing with colored markers or Play dough. It's hidden in marshmallows (Blue), yogurt, dill pickles, relish, brownies, chocolate bars, BREAD and the list continues. But wait I am not done....Guess where they can be found...In children's medication! Medications and supplements like Tums, Children's multi-vitamins,
and the very medication predominately prescribed to treat such symptoms as inability to concentrate, sit still, and outbursts... ADHD medications! Folks it's in your detergent and bath soap!

I can't help but wonder if these conditions are exasperated by coupling these poisonous chemicals with yet other chemicals and processed concoctions such as high fructose corn syrup, seed oils, monosodium glutamate, and lets throw some glyphosate in for good measure.
Folks this film is enlightening, educational, captivating and leaves me motivated to fight the fight against big pharma big food and big dysfunctional government agencies. I can't wait for the next one they produce! Take the time to watch the 18 minute Ted Talk video by Dr. Rebecca Bevans and go to todyeforthedocumentary.com/watch and learn today!

Hi, beloved 1's. I was glad 2 c yr title was a play on words! Very well done but 4 the editing I do x habit. I am so glad 2 b free of toxic soaps 4 laundry, dishes & body since I started rdg those labels. GCA & others sell healthy 1's, but I inherited a box of homemade soap that I use 4 the above, + 4 laundry a natural ingredients soap I was given a recipe 4. ( How do u like that dangler? Prper E.'d b 4 which I was given a recipe...) My text talk's a genre or it's own... love u all.😎