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"But It's Delicious!"


WARNING! This post may trigger feelings of defensiveness and denial!

Food...If any of you know me, bringing up the subject of food or the farming of food, usually starts me off on a monolog of ranting about the mistakes that I believe we are making concerning the types of foods we feed our children or a tirade about the profit driven people conjuring up "pseudo-foods" in a laboratory in a desperate attempt to find another use for high fructose corn syrup. It is hard for me to understand how we have come to eat so many synthetics and have generally accepted that it is OK for us to consume products that we can't even pronounce...even those who were homeschooled can't seem to vocalize the names of them!

I've done some contemplation on this subject and have come up with several thoughts of why we have been so naive and complacent. Even going so far as too accept them as food and letting them contaminate every area of our life.

In my mind, this all started with laziness and our willingness to delegate one of our most basic sources of life and nutrition to a man in a suit with a shiny package and the pace of life that we chose to live! At some point in our recent history we were re-trained to think that it was too difficult to source our food directly from the grower. We want to eat everything from all around the world and we want it now! That farming family down the road can't produce mature food, without interruption, all year long but this wonderful corporation can! And we even pay less for it up front! Eventually we have to pay nearly double for our food via dental expenses, medical bills, pharmaceuticals, a fresh wardrobe to fit our expanding waistlines, a product to treat the acne and a gym membership to help us with our deteriorating health...but we love the whole "enjoy it now and pay for it later concept"! Some of us are so busy with entertainment or the work required to keep up with the Jones family that we are unable to even shop for ourselves!

I digress.... back to the thought of eating everything out of season. Winter/spring supermarket tomatoes, in my northern U.S. climate, are shipped in from afar. They are usually grown in worn -out soil that they must apply tons of synthetic additives to, so that they can continue to produce copious amounts of product. They pour fungicides all over the plants to control disease. The fruit is picked while it is green and gassed with ethylene to synthetically "rypen" them. They have very little nutritional value and are low sources of phytonutrients. We might as well eat cardboard...although it may have less detrimental effects on our health than the residues on the the very least they probably have been exposed to the same neurotoxins.

But it tastes Awesome!.... Have you ever had fond memories of that first burger you ate at BIlly Bob's Bodacious Burgers or that soup you ate at Olivia's Garden? I mean, you have never tasted anything so great! Ever since that time, you have downloaded every copycat recipe you could find... but sadly, it never quite tastes the same. You are convinced that you must be missing something. When it comes to Brand name foods...the knock offs just don't stack up. It's not your fault, you just have a highly developed palate. You actually are not making it up! It tasted great! Your brain was high-jacked! And it was not by Saddam! It was most likely tricked by a little compound named Monosodium Glutamate or MSG. It tricks your brain into firing endorphins, through its reaction on your tongue. It is actually highly addictive and is intentionally added to the food to work its magic on your brain. Most of the major food producers use it and I suspect that, if you were to check the label on the back of your favorite treat or gas station breakfast, you would find our little enemy MSG or a similar synthetic additive. A simple search on the internet will produce a list of dangerous side effects and complications linked to the consumption of MSG. Its linked to Obesity ( typically "low fat" or "diet" foods are heavy in MSG to make up for the missing flavor ) and it has detrimental effects on reproductive organs....not a problem if your goal is to reduce the reproduction rates of the peasant class. They have us in a trap and they know it! I wonder why they are raising prices of food now? Could it be they let us label it as an essential food ? I recently listened to an interview with a well known food rights advocate who is known for taking fast food companies to task for harmful additives in their food. After she placed the proverbial spot light on Chick-fil-a for their use of multiple products they invited her to a meeting with them to discuss healthier options. After agreeing to try to reduce the use of and replace several of the ingredients listed as harmful, the subject of MSG was brought to their attention. They Emphatically refused to discontinue the use of their "most important additive". They drew a line in the sand. Do you wonder why?

I love Bigs Dill Pickle flavored sunflower seeds! They are amazing and I can suck a whole bag dry in a few hours...I reluctantly turned over the bag of my GMO treat....MONOSodium....I didn't need to read any further... I tossed the remainder in the trash can and that is the last time I eat those. When the food is so bad that you have to add ingredients to mask the lack of real fat or your product utilizes a synthetic compound to get folks to purchase your product instead of being based on quality and nutrition, something is wrong! Something is wrong with the consumer! Food is life..we die without it...and maybe we die with it! At least we go doing what we love!

I don't want to live forever! Everyone dies at sometime. This is an extremely selfish statement! And an excuse to keep indulging in gluttony. I usually hear it from the elder generation when the subject of poison is brought up. What world do you live in that is completely centered around you and your wants? Have you ever thought that you have a responsibility to your children, grand children, and even neighbors to live a full life and teach others, lead by example, and protect the innocent? At the very least your actions of self indulgence and purposeful ignorance teach others how to act. Have you ever heard someone say.." Grandpa did it all the time and he was fine!" First of all, that food was not the same, we add so many more synthetics today. You also were not alive when he was a child...I'll venture to say that they didn't have the access to chemical pseudo-foods like we do today. Even in my generation, we did not have the same amount of sugary cereal when we were little, that access started when we were teens and now my children can be raised on it from a young age because its cheap! It's a changing world folks! And it isn't getting better.

Let me pose a question, Your Spouse or child gets diagnosed with cancer or becomes Ill with some unknown sickness. Are you going to pray for healing or wisdom? Is God the giver of your health? Do you really believe that? If God gives us health do we have a responsibility to manage it wisley? Or do we get to live like we want and hope that God will not let our loved ones deal with the consequences. We all know that we reap what we sow. It's not about you or me and our feelings or wants, It's about being a wise steward. We owe it to those around you to influence them in the right way. Our children are expected to suffer a myriad of autoimmune disorders, incurable sicknesses' and our soil will require more and more inputs only to have it grow less and less. It's all consumption with little thought of the future! Where are the Patriots of the past who cared and sacrificed for the future? I think God cares about how we manage and steward the world that he entrusted us with. And we just sit back and say It's out of my control! I'll be raptured one day and then it won't matter! I think it does matter. It's a job that he has given to us and we ought to do our best. Actions speak louder than words, lets let our lives reflect our love and fear of God. Vote with our wallets ! And use cash, gold or silver too!

Folks they are putting this stuff in baby formula, baby food, and diapers are leaking toxins into our children's bloodstreams! Folks they Had a re-call on Band-Aids just last week because they were found to contribute cancer causing agents to our blood streams! You can make your own formula, ( check out the Weston A. Price foundation), The Baby can eat the same whole foods we do, And cloth diapers are readily available. Have you ever heard of the saying "You don't bite the hand that feeds you?" We are the hand..if we refuse to eat their toxins...I'd bet that could get the bean counters worked up enough to convince them to produce better food...or we just cut them out of the mix and go directly to the farmer.

Some of you are already making a difference. We just recently had a restaurant begin to carry our Micro Greens Because of client demand for local, unadulterated food!

These little life changes and habits have a big effect. It's a straw that will break the camel's back. When do we start leading and not following the world? We want our Nation back with its freedoms and morals, We want our voice to be heard, we want to enjoy this world that was a gift from God. It's the little foxes that spoil the vine... IF they started dumping this chemical junk on the early Americans, They would have revolted against it! It was brought on slowly by cost cutting, bean counting, money hungry corporations at a rate that we would accept. Lets change it back.. One bite at a time.

Remember, actions speak loudly....I chose to act today! Know your Farmer...Know your food.

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I truly admire your enthusiasm and respect your concerns. It’s my opinion that you have a full understanding of what the government and corporations value the most “money”!

On the other hand, money is what most of us value too. I myself fall prey to the vicious cycle of pay as little as possible for my groceries, because food is my largest expense and I. like many of us out there, are always looking for that great bargain. No matter what others might think, we feel we’re saving money. I obviously care about my family’s welfare and am very proud of the dietary practices that they are instilling in their children. Again, I think that the more facts that ca…

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