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Eat Much?


Have you eaten lately? I've often heard it said, concerning the trades, That one should pursue becoming a plumber or an electrician because everyone flips a switch or flushes a toilet. Now I agree that this is true but what if you could become both? Would you not be in a great position to ride the storm and secure your future? What about farming? What future does it hold? If you look at the statistics, most of my generation believes there is little to know future in the occupation. The last statistic that I heard was that the average age of a

Farmer in the USA is about 65! Thanks to Disney, and popular entertainment ( indoctrination devices) the farmer is portrayed as a person of less than average intelligence bumpkin, working from dawn to dusk, spitting tobacco and generally sucking up every grant they can get their hands on. They destroy the ecosystem with their farting cows and diesel fuel and generally hate the city folk. Now this may be a generalization , yet you may have a similar view. Let me share an example. One day ,while working as a welder, I shared my dream of being a farmer with a co-worker. He responded with an incredulous look and blurted out "Your a century too late! Farming is dead man!" Wow! Where does his food come from?....A factory,I guess! Sure enough lunch break rolled around and out came his top ramen and "fruit" roll -ups. Upon further discussion I discovered that he had grown up across from several mono-cropping farmers who's children shunned them and they complained about no money, stupid kids, and dumb city folk. All the while getting a new John Deere and taking shekel's from every program offered to them, so they could continue to do the same thing they did last year that left them broke. Now we know that these are tough, resilient people who love their work and the life. But from his uninformed view, he saw waste, stupidity, and arrogance. He never realized that he munched on their potatoes at McDonalds or ate and drank their corn... All he saw was no trespassing signs and a sick dog every time they sprayed, and a grumpy old man cursing the "communists" all the while taking the "assistance." Now I could write a book about his complete ignorance of our food system and bias against farmers or about the farmers poor portrayal of the best farming practices,But neither would change a thing! In a world of finger pointing and us versus them what is my response? What can I do?

In my view, Farming is the most essential vocation and the best national asset that we have! When done with soil health, children and our future in mind, Farming requires one to be professor of soil biology, lead mechanic, project manager, crop production manager, head of marketing, customer service representative, animal husbandry director, cowboy, hay-bucker, milk maid, weeding machine and chief educator of the public etc... Of course this varies with the type of farm and the business model but you get the idea.

It is the only way our children will have wholesome food and our only chance at reducing non-infectious diseases! Regenerative farming is the only source of food for my family! If we do not change the way we farm or our dependance on degenerative factory food, it will result in such extreme soil erosion, loss of pestilence resilience, and disease outbreak on CAFO's that the new slogan may be, farmers starving America instead of feeding the masses. Add to this an inevitable future another "pandemic", disruption of shipping (bridges down and strikes), a few severe weather events ( I.E hurricanes, wildfire or drought), and our unique ability as humans to repeat history; One can soon see the folly in assuming that we will continue to "find a way" and the grocery store shelves will be full. When this happens I foresee two groups of people; those farmers and their clients who have built relationships, and desperate, unwise, or ignorant( willfully or unwilfully) folks who come asking for food and find out that the farmer cannot scale up his operation until the next year! I see rough times ahead for everyone...but survival favors the prepared. Farmers have a bright future ahead of them, in a world that values the hard work, care and deliberate amendments of their food growers. The wealthiest ( and wisest) men in the biblical narrative usually lived in a tent, but had livestock, grew crops, and lived their life with the mindset of bringing honor and glory to God, following his commandments (Gen. 18:19) and being a benevolent caretaker of his creation. If one looks into the Hebraic root of the word "Dominion" used in the book of Genesis, the researcher soon discovers that the implication is for man to be a responsible caretaker and advancer of nature rather than a "take it for all its got and hope it keeps giving" attitude.

Speaking of biblical examples, I am reminded of the Parable, shared by Yeshua (Jesus) ,about the ten maidens awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom. I have often heard the story told in the context of the 5 unfavored wannabe's and the 5 who were spiritually enlightened.(Matt.25:1-3). Read it again! It says "foolish" and Wise. Not Catholic, protestant, Mormon (LDS), Democrat, Republican ETC. I have two observations. #1 They all were waiting! #2 They all knew he would come! He was only delayed so they ALL slept. #3 They all had lamps! We all have appetites! #4 Some prepared for the night (brought oil) and some "knew they would figure it out" ...Okay 4 Observations. Which category do we fall into?

Farming is a calling, it is not for everyone. But whether you are one of those who are Blessed with the Ability to wear all those hats, and feel the burden upon our hearts to take action and make a difference, our you fulfill your calling and election in your realm of expertise; We both share the ability to be wise and prepare for the inevitable future! Lets build relationships as Farmer and Consumer. ( I.E. Bring oil to the party)

I close with one thought (really) Have you tried trading your skills for food? Your Farmer might just need a master not just a jack! I hope I can inspire you Farmers, both young and old, to keep up the good fight! Are there any Future Regenerative Farmers out there?

What are your thought and Ideas?

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