Greetings from the mountain meadows of Curlew!
What a beautiful fall! The leaves are falling and we started bringing the cows home today. The cows are fat and looking great from all the grazing up Wolf-camp. The days are getting shorter and the potatoes are dug. I've sown the hard red wheat and planted the garlic.
I love fall! the cool mornings, the smells and the chance to reflect on the previous seasons and reiterate the lessons learned ( or ought to have learned) and to plan for the next spring!
We had a great Summer even though it was such a late start for us! Many of you know that we moved our farm back from our temporary location in Ephrata, back to the mountain home that we love! We got right to planting!
The support that we received from you and the desire for healthy Non-GMO food that is grown beyond any organic label that utilizes regenerative practices. Our desire is to build a community of folks that know and support each other, that care about their food and where it comes from! lets build soil health and bring healing to our bodies!
We have our work cut out for us this upcoming year! As I mentioned, we've been busy planting garlic, sowing wheat berries, and bringing the cattle home. The sheep and goats are fertilizing the gardens and grazing the leftover forages. We are processing the last batch of broiler chickens and the Turkeys are getting fat for Thanksgiving! We are setting up to collect all the goodies from the back of the cows and get to work composting! Speaking of composting...We have a dream of collecting more composting materials! one of the thoughts would be to supply bins to restaurants and to you folks to collect your kitchen wastes and yard waste ( I.E. leaves and clippings) to compost here on the Farm. What are your thoughts and ideas?
We have been getting great feedback on the quality and taste of our broiler chickens. I've even been told that it is the best tasting chicken that they have ever eaten! As a farmer that is the best compliment we can get! We work hard to faithfully graze them and to only feed them the best Non-GMO feed that we can get. This is the food that we feed our children...only the best! Thank you so much for your support and for buying from us! Let us know if you want to be eating beef, lamb or chicken next year! We can put you on the list for your very own animals for next year!
Besides fertilizing the gardens with the laying hens and livestock, We're trying to settle on which crops to plant next spring. We need your input! We have planned to plant Beans, shelling peas, zucchini, carrots, pumpkins, spaghetti squash, sweet potatoes, beets, pickling cucumbers, cabbage, spinach, lettuce and kale!
What do you folks think about a U-pick berry patch? what are some varieties that you might enjoy? I'm contemplating the idea and would be interested in some feedback from you folks!
Many of you have heard of our plans to host a homesteading school. We would like to plan to do at least two such events this upcoming year. Some ideas we currently have are Cheesemaking, soap making, planting and harvesting microgreen sprouts, meat preservation and butchering, and chicken processing. What might you be interested in? Come join us for learning important skills, building community, and we just might enjoy a little home made ice-cream! We shall see!
Thank you all for your support and we look forward to visiting more next year! Call us at 509.761.0340 or email us at jnd.fancyfarm@gmail.com!

Beautiful! I finally read it. Did u post it online?