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It was a slow fact it took about three generations! Just like the classic amphibian in a pot that is slowly brought to a boil. We have slowly allowed society to steal essential skills and lessons. This has not really been a problem in the recent past nor has had much of a tangible effect yet...but I believe my children may suffer unnecessary loss and waste valuable resources while learning rudimentary skill sets instead of building upon a great foundation and understanding.

I have been mulling over these thoughts and ideas for several weeks now, trying to understand where we got so far off track. We have wandered along in our naive condition while we let the idea that in our "land of plenty" we would always continue to delegate our food preparation to the lower classes of our society and our clothing to be made by slaves in Bangladesh, Indonesia, or China. Now we cannot be too hard on ourselves...We have been swamped with our crazy lives! We need to focus on our Careers, our houses have been stuck in the 1980's, and have required renovations or its value will be decimated. We have needed boats, new cars and a few toys to be able to fully enjoy our freedom. Honestly, why would we slave away for 40+ hours a week if we can take a small loan, buy a four wheeler or two and enjoy ourselves!

The fact is, that because, the last two generations have focused on self indulgence as a reward for getting ourselves out of the Great Depression, we have " voted" with our spending, purchased our essentials and allowed our households to accumulate debt. How can we expect our elected representatives to take our nations debt seriously ? The collective "We" have sent out the call for more ease and for social assistance even when we are able bodied or we failed to properly prepare because we knew we could count on a social security check! I digress...but it all plays a part in our current state of affairs.

One result of this type of thought processes and style of living, has led us into a deficit of knowledge and skill. Our dependency on Corporations to provide the essentials, instead of us taking personal responsibility for our food and health, has led us down a dead end road! Inflation is through the roof and now we are stuck on this merry-go-round and there is only two ways to continue...we hope that the future generations figure it out with super computing and GMO's { Ignorance is bliss} or we jump ship and swim. I chose to jump ship! Simplicity is great!

I know not everyone is predisposed to farming or gardening and have great skills in other areas! This is great as we need all types of people to make the world go around, but we certainly ought to at least have an idea of what is involved in our food system and value the farmers enough to allow them a living ! This happens by community supported agriculture and cutting out the "middle men" corporations and the federal government. If you have read my other articles you already know were I stand so I will proceed to talk about the theft!

Once upon a time...most folks had a garden, a fruit tree, or hunted game for food and gathered wild edible plants for medicine and essential nutrition. Summer was a time of growing, fall was a time of reaping, canning and preparation for the cold winter months. Very few produced all their food, mostly just the basics and produce, and relied on farmers to produce flour, sugar, and wool for the weaver. Husbands generally busied themselves with providing financially through various ventures and their wives were working tirelessly on homemaking, preserving, teaching and nurturing the young. Fabric was purchased by the weaver via the general store and either stitched into clothing by the Mother, the grandmother, or the village tailor or seamstress. Shoes came from the Cobbler, leather from the tanner and so on.

"You are really out of touch with reality man! " I can hear you saying to me as you shake your head. I get it! We live in a different age and time were everything is instant and accessible at the click of a button. But hear me out! I do not believe it can continue forever! We have allowed society to tell us that history and the experiences of our elders, is obsolete, that the skills our great grand parents developed from their parents, will no longer apply. So we send them away to "Senior Care" were they get to live out their last days enjoying entertainment, bingo and friends, and being cared for by a third party. The Middle man. I actually believe we are too busy to care for them. Both parents are working to make ends meet, taking the kids to after school activities so they can learn how to kick a ball and maybe even become a great enough athlete to break the vicious cycle of barley keeping the bank from repossessing "our" home. Hey athletes are important for our entertainment! .... I'll let this be a subject for later.

Not all of us treat the most valuable assets in our lives with such disrespect. I currently have the privilege of observing my Mother-in-Law , tirelessly care for my Wife's Grandmother, showing her love and the care she deserves! She is partly responsible for my thoughts, and has influenced my perspective. Now, Grandma, is at the stage in life were she has forgotten some things...some chances to learn from her have been lost. We waited until it was too late to invite her to take a direct roll in our family and glean from her experiences. Now I never told her to not come around, I just gave her that impression with my actions. I was busy and she would have hated to be dragged around to all our activities. And to be fair, her and Grandpa gave me the impression that they wanted to be left alone as well. Entertainment was the order of their day as they retired to their second childhood. I am young and foolish, too head strong to listen, to that old man, who was stuck in the old way of doing things. It is a mutual disrespect from both parties. I got this figured out so I wont make the same mistakes he did! I'm so hard headed and foolish, why should he waste his breath? He couldn't be bothered to try because I might hurt his feelings and pursue a different direction, instead of appreciating that I was respectful enough to listen to his input and others. Then

I combined it with my gathered intel, and proceeded in the best direction from my perspective. We may have heard our grandparents speak disrespectfully of their parents instead of valuing their taught experiences. Old people are a drag on our progressive society and values. The world is totally different than it was then...they have no idea! These are the attitudes we have developed towards our elders as a generality. Not everyone is guilty but as a whole we are responsible.

I am not in control of you, nor am I in control of my Grandpa , who we nicknamed Grumps. But I am in control of my actions. I am in control of the words I speak and my attitude towards my Elders. Do I treat my children with the age appropriate respect that I desire to receive from them? What do the priorities and values that I hold dear in my life teach to my children? I want the experienced folks in my life to teach us the skills we need. The ability to manage my life, to waste not and want not. To can tomatoes without making my family sick, how thick to sow those seeds, and how to live a life worthy of respect and Honoring to my Heavenly Father. We want to listen to the wives of old tell us how to use cloth diapers for our son, and not be relying on some other "amateur" on youtube to teach us natural ways of disinfecting, cleaning and reducing "Blowouts".

I experience this with some of the young fellows I work with routinely. Their lack of understanding of basic mechanics, cause and effect and what a day of work should look like has them crying for someone who will teach them to change their oil (they never saw Dad do it...the middle man did.) how to read a tape measure or why its important to follow instructions. They, WE, have been Robbed, voluntarily, by our lack of responsibility, lack of caring, and dependency on the "Middle Man Billionaire".

I chose to change! Today! I'm reminded of the old song..." Grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days...."What are your thoughts?


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Mar 05, 2024

It’s a hard truth, but one worth pursuing!


I don’t know if I could agree with we have been robbed. If you leave the front door open and become complacent with what the government is shoveling us and keep letting the ungodly influence the generations to come, of coarse their will be a negative effect on life here on earth. I wish I could have a rewind button and lived a more riotous and honorable life. But we can’t change the past, but I believe we can create a better today. I love that you and your family are trying to get back to being self sufficient and chemically free. I do think we are reaping what the commercial manufacturers have sown. Again, I’m not trying to cast…

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